giovedì 21 maggio 2015

Annalisa's works & VIDA crafts

These are the soft and luxurious tops with Annalisa's design available on VIDA shop (don't forget: you'll get 20% off when you sign in!). Lovely, aren't they?

VIDA fashion&art: sign in and get 20% off!!!!

'WE BELIEVE BEAUTIFUL PRODUCTS SHOULD CREATE BEAUTY EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. WE BELIEVE QUALITY SHOULD BE ACCESSIBLE TO ALL.' Dear Friends, I'm so proud to introduce you an amazing company and a great artist. The artist is called Annalisa Dell'Amico, she's a painter, sculptor and decorator, you can check her beautiful works here. Her art is simply great, she's capable of reproducing in her paintings the magic of Toscany landscape with its multiple shades and lovely colours. The company is called VIDA, based in San Francisco, this is a fashion company that pairs artists and designers from the whole world with skillful manufacturers from Pakistan. Sustainable raw materials, super comfy textiles, high quality handicraft, fair salaries, support to local communities (VIDA provides literacy for the makers in Pakistan)and unique designs are undoubtedly VIDA's added values. Now, what links my beloved friend and artist Annalisa Dell'Amico to VIDA? Well, Annalisa has been offered to collaborate with VIDA and 'to lend' her designs to VIDA's collection. So now Annalisa's works have been turned into fashionable silk tops and scarves. Thanks to VIDA Annalisa's works are now accessible to everyone everywhere and can be put on and exhibited not only in a gallery. Pop over to Annalisa's Shop Vida page and get 20% off your first order when you sign up! Tell your friends, fashion maniacs, environment maniacs and everyone you know! SPREAD THE WORD!!!

giovedì 7 maggio 2015

F***ing expensive Bratislava!

Bratislava, where I've been living since January, is a pretty city. It's OK, but it's nothing special compared to other European Capitals, really. So why is it sooo f***ing expensive???? why do you have to pay for everything??????? That's really frustrating, also because when the event is free, it really sucks!!!

sabato 25 aprile 2015

Women Passionate About Their Dreams

Women Passionate About Their Dreams is a group of women who have dreams and fight everyday to fulfill them. I came across their group on Facebook, the founder Sasha read this blog and asked me to organize a meeting for the group members who probably have never met in person before. And here we go: Wednesday 29th April we are meeting in Kontakt cafè in Bratislava Old Town at 6pm. Join us if you are a passionate woman with dreams! :)

martedì 21 aprile 2015

martedì 14 aprile 2015

Social streets

Social streets: this is how they call them now, while in the 70s and 80s they were a common reality in Italy almost everywhere! Anyway, social streets represent how SHARING IS CARING principles work in our everyday life. Please have a look here when you have time!

domenica 12 aprile 2015

Free 'admission'

Yesterday I went out with a mission to fulfil clear in my mind: to find a place where to organize the first SHARING IS CARING meeting here in Bratislava. I came back rather disappointed since I realized that if I need a place that can host about 20 people, some tables and a flipchart/board, I have to pay for that. :( I don't want to ask the participants to pay, not even a euro. The whole idea of SHARING IS CARING is the lack of money involved. The Italian word for it is 'gratuità', but I'm struggling finding an English equivalent. It means: people who are willing to share their time, knowledge, experience and expertise should not be required to pay an admission fee. I would like to held this meeting in a cafe/pub, so at least they will pay for their drinks! I want this point to be clear: I don't want to make any money from my idea. I just want to create a community, where mutual help will replace money and create relationships. I am not a dreamer, but I am an idealistic, I've always been! :) So, if you know any place, hotels, hostels, cafe, pubs, restaurants where I can rent a small meeting room for a decent price, please let me know. If you have a place that you would like to share, that will be even better! :)


Funnylicious is the name of a group of improv theatre performers living and performing here in Bratislava. They are from different countries, this is why they use English as a common language to perform. How does improv theatre work? Well, there's no script but a series of 'games' aimed to develop a meaningful, funny, plot from scratch. It's difficult to explain, so if you happen to be in Bratislava next 20th April why don't you come and see one of their live performance? It will be held at GINGER CAFE' GALERY, whose entrance is NOT on Rajska street but on the back! The show starts at 8:30, but be sure to be there earlier to secure a seat. Free admission, so feel free to invite as many friends as you want. I attended 3 or 4 training sessions with Funnylicious team and I loved them! Here's the link to the event on Facebook (with detailed directions): See you there!!!

sabato 11 aprile 2015

Deliberate carelessness and disorganization in Bratislava (3)

The following is the best example ever of what Slovaks ARE NOT ABLE TO DO! Some days ago I came across an event on facebook organized by a group of artists called AMT. That's about 4 days of cultural events, among which a film and an art exhibition. The description of the art exhibition ends with the words 'We can’t guarantee that really something happen finally.' It's clearly understandable that you can't guarantee the positive outcome of sth, but this sounds as you are already telling people: well, why should you show up if we don't know what to do??? Personally, I find it CRAZY!!!! Anyway, a friend of mine wanted to take part and exhibit three small paintings, so yesterday we went to the venue and we could barely find it. Again, the directions were no existing. Moreover, the venue is in a building, with no information at all outside. Nothing. Who is so crazy to exhibit their works in an unknown place???? what for?????? When I joined the FUNNYLICIOUS workshop the first time I had the same problem. I looked for the address on facebook, found the building, but nothing outside could give me even the smallest hint that a theatre improv workshop was going to be held inside. There were some stickers on the door advertising a massage centre, though! Why was that? No idea!!! Maybe there's a law in Slovakia that does not allow event organizers to stick a piece of paper outside a building saying 'Hey! If you're looking for XYZ ring this bell, we're on the uptenth floor' or sth like that. Maybe there's a law that prevents from giving out contact numbers. Or another one that says 'if you organize sth you have to advertise it on facebook, no matter if you really want exertnal people to join you or not'. I'm surprised, disappointed and frustrated because I find this attitude really CARELESS, but this WILL NOT STOP ME FROM ORGANIZING MY EVENT SOON!!! :) stay tuned! ;)

Deliberate carelessness and disorganization in Bratislava (2)

I myself have been an active members of the Couch Surfing community since 2006. I have hosted and been hosted, showed people around, given tips on what to see and why, organized and participated in Couch Surfing meeting in Poland, Italy and Bulgaria. When I arrived in Bratislava I thought: 'let's join the local CS community, it's going to be fun for sure!' Well, after a couple of months since I first arrived here in January, I decided to join the CS meeting held on a brand new restaurant-pub right on the Danube river. On the facebook page of the event it was written that Miro, the organizer, had reserved 30 seats in the pub for the event, that started at 7pm. I arrived at around 8pm. No CS signs, no flags, no large groups of people, apart from a family reunion, nothing. I asked the waiters in English, but they had no idea. Someone reserved 30 seats (not 3, 30!!!!) and no one seemed to knwo about that. I tried to call Miro's number, but the phone was off. Miro told me then that I had another Miro's number, this is why I couldn't reach him. I decided to give CS Bratislava a second chance, but I cannot help to remind here how things should be done if you CARE and if you really arrange these events to meet new people and make friends. In Sofia they put a COUCH SURFING flag on a table, so it was clear who and what to search for once entered the pub. In Bari we do things this way: Simone, the ambassador and main organizer of the monthly Couch Surfer meetings in Bari (Italy) looks for and books a venue, big enough to host at least 100 people. Then he sends out the invitation on CS and on facebook. The invitations always contains a detailed map of the location and, at least, one contact number. Then, he sets himself on the door of the pub and personally welcomes all newcomers with a smile and a handshake. It's not difficult, he does things this way because he likes it and it definitely pays off. Oh, and the participants pay only for their drinks, nothing else! Again, I do not understand why those who feel like organizing group events finalized to share, know new people and make new friends are so careless and superficial. That's not fair and does not give a good image of what they represent, being it a travellers or language lovers community.

Deliberate carelessness and disorganization in Bratislava (1)

I really don't understand why here in Bratislava 1) I haven't see a single event properly organized 2) once they manage to arrange an event whatsoever, the participants have to pay a fee! Point 1: if I plan to have dinner with my friends at my place I check how many people I can accommodate (how many chairs, plates, forks, knives and glasses I have), I decide what to cook according to my friends' preferences, I invite them and I explain how to get to my place, I give a correct address and my phone number in case they get lost. Then I prepare everything to make the dinner and the evening as much pleasant as possible for me and for my guests. I don't ask my friends to pay, but they can bring some drinks if they feel like. This is what I do at home. If I organize any kind of event and I invite my friends to participate (and to bring their friends too)I also give them clear and accurate directions about how to reach the venue and my contact number. Now I'm going to tell about every single time I've found impossible to participate to an event here in Bratislava, due to a lack of the principle listed above (clear, accurate directions + contact numbers). 1) SLEM, ie SLOVAK LANGUAGE MEETING: it is held in a place called GINGER CAFE GALLERY, apparently in the city centre, every Tuesday from 7pm on. The problem is that GINGER CAFE's address is ULICA RAJSKA 5, but at that address there's no cafe. There's nothing. The entrance to GINGER is somewhere on the back of the building. If you're 1) a foreigner 2)not from Bratislava 3) not a customer of GINGER CAFE how on earth are you supposed to find it??????????? Moreover, how are you supposed to find it since it is not even written on their facebook page (check it here, if you don't believe me!)????? So my conclusions are: 1) the owner of GINGER CAFE GALLERY has 10 chairs, knows 10 people who keep the CAFE GALLERY busy everyday, so they don't need any new customer and are happy with what they earn 2) those who organize SLEM are perfectly aware that it's not easy to find GINGER CAFE GALLERY, because there's nothing on Rajska 5 but they either don't give a damn or they think that's perfectly normal to look BEHIND Rajska 5 when you're looking for sth located ON Rajska 5 (so, I am the stupid). Now my question is: if I like to organize a meeting on regular basis to practice/learn Slovak as a foreign language, who do I organize it for????? for Slovaks? for Slovaks living in Bratislava who may need to polish their language?????? I thought it was meant to foreigners, expats, who DO NOT SPEAK SLOVAK and probably don't know the city very well either. I am frustrated and angry because from October 2010 to December 2012 I organized and held all sort of language meeting in my hometown, Bari. I ALWAYS printed a map, provided accurate info about bus stops and timetable, I even picked up people from the bus stop sometimes because they didn't know how to reach the venue. I ALWAYS gave my contact number and I sometimes arranged car pooling for those coming from the nearby villages. I connected people. It wasn't difficult and it really paid off. If you care you do it, but if you don't care (or you only apperently show that you do) why do you advertise such events on facebook???? I am really disappointed and frustrated. My next complaint will be about CouchSurfing meetings and an 'artistic' event. Stay tuned! ;) P.S. this is Speakers Corner facebook page, please check the ALBUMS to see how many events I organized and how many people attended them. Unfortunately last Spring Google decided to cancel my Picasa photo albums and my blog, so these are the only pics available now! :(

mercoledì 8 aprile 2015

A community

I recently joined a group on Facebook called 'Women Passionate about their Dreams' and it's amazing to find out how many ideas and passions we girls have! The members' nationalities, ages and dreams are different and this makes the whole group even more gripping! As soon as I joined, I was invited to briefly introduce myself. I then posted a link to this blog and received a comment by a sweet lovely lady who invited me to join the 'Internations' group at Crown Plaza Hotel for women who want to start their own business. I know she meant well, but my reply was: 'Crown Plaza sounds a bit too fancy for me, as well as the whole Internations thing (they'll tell you where the meeting is held only if you paya membership! :/)! thanks anyway!' That's actually true. One of the reason why I refused to join Internations in Bratislava (I hadn't joined them when I lived in Sofia either!) is that they require the payment of a membership, unless you don't know where the meetings are held and you can't receive any updating. I find it stupid and revolting. I currently don't want to set up a business, I just want to create a no-profit networking system. I want to connect people, and I don't want to make money out of it. I don't want to dress up and sit in a fancy hotel with rich business woman eager to make their business profitable. I don't care. I just want to find other people in Bratislava who think that sharing is better than making money and that sharing can help them to make money and develop their business as well! There are plenty of sites and platforms nowadays promoting virtual sharing: Couchsurfing, Trust Roots and the latest Party with a Local for travellers to the amazing Peerby. They are extremely useful tools, promoting different kinds of sharing and implying a face-to-face meeting with the people involved. I want to go beyond. I want to find a place in Bratislava where people can meet, look at each other in the eyes and socialize. Sharing is a direct result of socializing. While meeting each other people find out common interests/hobbies/passions and start sharing. They will realize then that the more people they know, the more they learn and the richer they become, in terms of knowledge and human values. Meeting,socializing and sharing create a sense of community that is invaluable. Have a look here if you don't believe me! To put it simply, my current ambition is to create a community in Bratislava. Who wants to join me?

Sunset from Most Apollo :)

Happy Easter from the Easter Bunny!


“The next day the Little Prince came back. “It would have been better to come back at the same hour,” said the fox. “If, for example, you come at four o'clock in the afternoon, then at three o'clock I shall begin to be happy. I shall feel happier and happier as the hour advances. At four o'clock, I shall already be worrying and jumping about. I shall show you how happy I am! But if you come at just any time, I shall never know at what hour my heart is to be ready to greet you … One must observe the proper rites …”“What is a rite?” asked the little prince.“Those also are actions too often neglected,” said the fox. “They are what make one day different from other days, one hour from other hours. There is a rite, for example, among my hunters. Every Thursday they dance with the village girls. So Thursday is a wonderful day for me! I can take a walk as far as the vineyards. But if the hunters danced at just any time, every day would be like every other day, and I should never have any vacation at all." So the little prince tamed the fox.”

Problems? No, opportunities!

From January 2013 to September 2014 I lived in Sofia, Bulgaria capital city. If you want to explore the city main landmarks but you don’t have enough time for accurate sightseeing, you can join a free tour of Sofia in English. This is what the volunteer members of Free Sofia Tour do every day, twice a week. They show tourist around (the tour takes about one and a half hour) in English and for free. I had the honour of attending a tour in January 2013 led by one of the leaders and funders of the gropu, Martin. Not only was the tour pleasant and interesting, it also taught me a lot about Sofia and life. Martin concluded our tour explaining why they decided to carry out the Free Sofia Tour project and said ‘If you see only problems, then you’ll end up complaining. But if you see problems as opportunities, then everything changes!’. Bulgaria is full of problems (highest corruption level in Europe, low salaries, low government subsidies, unemployment, poor infrastructures…), but for Martin and his friends they are an opportunity to improve, to move on, to use their creativity and commitment for something good. I’ve recently read that ‘Free Varna Tour’ has been started (after Sofia and Plovdiv), so I wish these young people all the best for their adventure and thank them for the example they set.

Summing up...

Sharing is Caring


What links the two situations below? A. is a bass guitar player. He plays in a band and he’s pretty good. This is what he thinks, at least. He practices everyday, but that’s not enough. He needs another bass player’s opinion. V. is pregnant and she’s waiting twins. Her mum is going to help her, but no one in her family has any experience with twins whatsoever. J. loves playing tennis, but since he has moved to Bratislava he has problems in finding someone to play with. H. and his friends are amateur actors, but it’s hard for them to find a place where to perform. A. is an artist, she works at home because she can’t afford to rent a studio. Above all, she needs a fellow artist’s opinions, suggestions and criticism. G. would like to grow her own veggies, but he doesn’t know exactly how and where. These are just a couple of examples of how our lives could be better if we started sharing. What do we need to do now? We need to meet somewhere, get to know each other, find out what we have in common and see if we can start doing something together. We can even become friends! Because no man is an island! :)

Hobby&Creativity Market

Last Saturday I visited the ‘Hobby&Creativity’ market in the old market hall in Bratislava city centre and I just loved it! The whole place was pregnant with positive vibes and energy. As soon as I entered the hall I was welcomed by a group of young Slovak giving out free hugs. They were a bit shy, but lovely! Then organic vegetables, fair trade chocolate, tea and coffee, home made bakery and the nicest handicrafts ever: jewellery, pottery, textiles and so on. People lingering among the stands, chatting with the vendors, tasting samples of delicious cakes, cheese etc. - no rush, no stress, no blank faces pushing a trolley filled with GMOs, along a supermarket aisle under an artificial light! I could feel something more beside the ordinary attitude between vendors and customers, everyone looked friendlier and closer, I don’t really know how to explain it. Then I thought: there are more and more people who care about what and how they eat, who are willing to spend their free time in a cosy, friendly place, rather than in an anonymous shopping centre, who prefer buying something exclusive and unique because handmade and not mass-produced. That made me thought: I’m not alone. We are not alone.

Sharing is caring - what do you think?

Ahoj Bratislava! Hello everybody! I’m Jo, 37, Italian and I’ve been living in Slovak Capital city since last January. I lived in Germany, Italy, Poland and Bulgaria before moving here. I started blogging 11 years ago, in March 2004, while I lived in Warsaw. I kept updating that first blog for a while, till Splinder, the first Italian platform for bloggers, closed down in 2010. Why starting blogging again after about 5 years? Because I have a project in mind I would like to develop and I’d like to get your opinions about it. In these days I felt the urge of communicating the following statements: no man is an island, ie we cannot live isolated from other human beings we all share the same wishes: love, be loved, happiness. in the last 10-15 years our lifestyle has changed so much that we seem to be forgetting the points above if I want to improve (my performances, my skills, my knowledge, my abilities), I need help, I cannot do it by myself the world is full of people who share my same wishes and needs sharing is caring = when I share, anything, no matter what, I feel better. That’s because I’m also showing that I care. sharing is very easy and always has loads of positive outcomes. Moreover, it’s free and, very often, fun! everything can be shared: an old bike as well as your grandma’s apple pie recipe! Whenever I have shared something with someone (my time, experience, knowledge, food, couch, drinks, bed…) I have always gained more than I had expected! What do you think about that? Do you share my opinion?

No Man is an Island

“No Man is an Island” — No man is an island, Entire of itself, Every man is a piece of the continent, A part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less. As well as if a promontory were. As well as if a manor of thy friend’s Or of thine own were: Any man’s death diminishes me, Because I am involved in mankind, And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee. by John Donne