mercoledì 8 aprile 2015


What links the two situations below? A. is a bass guitar player. He plays in a band and he’s pretty good. This is what he thinks, at least. He practices everyday, but that’s not enough. He needs another bass player’s opinion. V. is pregnant and she’s waiting twins. Her mum is going to help her, but no one in her family has any experience with twins whatsoever. J. loves playing tennis, but since he has moved to Bratislava he has problems in finding someone to play with. H. and his friends are amateur actors, but it’s hard for them to find a place where to perform. A. is an artist, she works at home because she can’t afford to rent a studio. Above all, she needs a fellow artist’s opinions, suggestions and criticism. G. would like to grow her own veggies, but he doesn’t know exactly how and where. These are just a couple of examples of how our lives could be better if we started sharing. What do we need to do now? We need to meet somewhere, get to know each other, find out what we have in common and see if we can start doing something together. We can even become friends! Because no man is an island! :)

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