sabato 11 aprile 2015

Deliberate carelessness and disorganization in Bratislava (3)

The following is the best example ever of what Slovaks ARE NOT ABLE TO DO! Some days ago I came across an event on facebook organized by a group of artists called AMT. That's about 4 days of cultural events, among which a film and an art exhibition. The description of the art exhibition ends with the words 'We can’t guarantee that really something happen finally.' It's clearly understandable that you can't guarantee the positive outcome of sth, but this sounds as you are already telling people: well, why should you show up if we don't know what to do??? Personally, I find it CRAZY!!!! Anyway, a friend of mine wanted to take part and exhibit three small paintings, so yesterday we went to the venue and we could barely find it. Again, the directions were no existing. Moreover, the venue is in a building, with no information at all outside. Nothing. Who is so crazy to exhibit their works in an unknown place???? what for?????? When I joined the FUNNYLICIOUS workshop the first time I had the same problem. I looked for the address on facebook, found the building, but nothing outside could give me even the smallest hint that a theatre improv workshop was going to be held inside. There were some stickers on the door advertising a massage centre, though! Why was that? No idea!!! Maybe there's a law in Slovakia that does not allow event organizers to stick a piece of paper outside a building saying 'Hey! If you're looking for XYZ ring this bell, we're on the uptenth floor' or sth like that. Maybe there's a law that prevents from giving out contact numbers. Or another one that says 'if you organize sth you have to advertise it on facebook, no matter if you really want exertnal people to join you or not'. I'm surprised, disappointed and frustrated because I find this attitude really CARELESS, but this WILL NOT STOP ME FROM ORGANIZING MY EVENT SOON!!! :) stay tuned! ;)

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